An interesting solution for our new injection mold

What is the reason, which make us to use Beryllium bronze for core pins, instead we use the regular core pins made from tool steel 1.2344?
The answer is simple – it is all because the incredible qualities of this alloy. This alloy has been used as a mold material for plastics since 1935. Beryllium bronze also known as beryllium cooper (BeCu) is a cooper alloy with up 0.5 to 3% beryllium. It is often used by the molders, because of the following advantages that it has. They are:
- Thermal conductivity: The Beryllium bronze shows excellent thermal conductivity being approximately 20 times more than that of stainless steel. The parts made from this copper alloy can work, without changing his qualities in very high temperatures. This is useful when fast dissipation of heat is needed as it reduces cycle time thus increases production efficiency.
- Wear resistance: I addition, this exceptional copper alloy has a perfect wear resistance. Some copper core pins, particularly made from beryllium copper alloy possess good wear resistance, which is a requirement in high-abrasion environments.
- Thermal conductivity: The Beryllium bronze shows excellent thermal conductivity being approximately 20 times more than that of stainless steel. The parts made from this copper alloy can work, without changing his qualities in very high temperatures. This is useful when fast dissipation of heat is needed as it reduces cycle time thus increases production efficiency.
- Wear resistance: I addition, this exceptional copper alloy has a perfect wear resistance. Some copper core pins, particularly made from beryllium copper alloy possess good wear resistance, which is a requirement in high-abrasion environments.
- Easily machining: Beryllium alloys can be easily machined (metal cutting like turning and milling).
- Corrosion resistance: The alloy has excellence resistance caused by corrosive plastics like PVC. If it is necessary, the mold parts made by beryllium bronze can easily plated with nickel or chrome for additional corrosion resistance. The combine corrosion resistance from protective plating and this cooper alloy perform better results that plated aluminium and steel mold parts. Moreover, the mold parts made by beryllium bronze do not become rusty, because the alloy do not rust. That’s mean that the molds do not became rust during the processing and the storage time.
- Cycle time reduction: The rate of the heat removal from a mold is depend on the thermal conductivity of the mold materials. Users of beryllium cooper mold and mold inserts have reported reductions as great as 75% in total cycle time because of this usage. In addition, because of the better conductivity of used alloys, the distortions of the final detail are reducing and the molding yield is increasing.
- Corrosion resistance: The alloy has excellence resistance caused by corrosive plastics like PVC. If it is necessary, the mold parts made by beryllium bronze can easily plated with nickel or chrome for additional corrosion resistance. The combine corrosion resistance from protective plating and this cooper alloy perform better results that plated aluminium and steel mold parts. Moreover, the mold parts made by beryllium bronze do not become rusty, because the alloy do not rust. That’s mean that the molds do not became rust during the processing and the storage time.
- Cycle time reduction: The rate of the heat removal from a mold is depend on the thermal conductivity of the mold materials. Users of beryllium cooper mold and mold inserts have reported reductions as great as 75% in total cycle time because of this usage. In addition, because of the better conductivity of used alloys, the distortions of the final detail are reducing and the molding yield is increasing.
Waterlines can be reduced and sometimes fully eliminated in beryllium cooper molds, because this alloy obtains faster cooling rates and reduces cycle injection molding times.
Thermal cycling can cause minute cracks to develop in steel molds' areas of heat concentration, such as corners, projections, and feeding gates. These thermal fatigue cracks cause product defects and require frequent mold repair or replacement. Beryllium copper's high thermal conductivity and high strength are two safeguards against thermal cracking, a phenomenon that other molds are prone to.
Thermal cycling can cause minute cracks to develop in steel molds' areas of heat concentration, such as corners, projections, and feeding gates. These thermal fatigue cracks cause product defects and require frequent mold repair or replacement. Beryllium copper's high thermal conductivity and high strength are two safeguards against thermal cracking, a phenomenon that other molds are prone to.